微软 Azure 机房被雷劈。。。害老子提交了一晚上审核

更新日期: 2018-09-05 阅读次数: 8475 分类: 运维

昨晚重新提交 UWP 审核一直没有提交成功,Partner Dashboard 一直报超时错误,我以为是我的上网姿势不对,来回切“戴笠”也不行。边改代码边尝试提交搞到12点也没有成功。。。起来眼睛都肿了。



看来 Google 机房被雷劈并非偶然。。。美国的雷击怎么这么猛。。。

  1. A severe weather event, including lightning strikes, occurred near one of the South Central US datacenters. This resulted in a power voltage increase that impacted cooling systems. Automated datacenter procedures to ensure data and hardware integrity went into effect and critical hardware entered a structured power down process.

到现在为止,Partner Dashboard 还一直在提示,虽然功能感觉已经恢复正常。

Universal Store App Ingestion service interruption We are currently experiencing an interruption of many of the services used for processing applications. We are actively engaged with all necessary teams to restore the service as soon as we can.


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