新建 Android 项目是否需要勾选 Use legacy android.support libraries

更新日期: 2022-02-27 阅读次数: 6241 字数: 364 分类: Android

有半年没有新建 Android 项目了,今天在 Android Studio Bumblebee 创建 Empty Activity 项目时,有个选项拦住了我。

Use legacy android.support libraries

什么是 legacy android.support libraries?

对于我这种业余型 Android 选手,一头雾水。


Using legacy android.support libraries will prevent you from using the latest Play Services and Jetpack libraries

就是说,用了 android.support libraries, 就无法使用最新的 Play 服务,还有 Jetpack 相关的库。 这肯定是我无法接受的,毕竟 Google 一直在推广 Jetpack 相关的新类库,看起来还挺方便。




denoting or relating to software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use.


新的替代品 AndroidX

android.support 类库已被 AndroidX 替代:

With the release of Android 9.0 (API level 28) there is a new version of the support library called AndroidX which is part of Jetpack. The AndroidX library contains the existing support library and also includes the latest Jetpack components.

我网上搜索了一下,如果继续使用 android.support 在引入新的类库时,会报错。 尽量不要踩坑。

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