Imgur Thumbnail

更新日期: 2015-12-12 阅读次数: 8547 分类: Image

使用 Imgur 作为海外图床非常方便,不用担心存储、带宽等问题。而且 Imgur 提供了缩略图的功能, 使用方法如下

There are 6 total thumbnails that an image can be resized to. Each one is accessable by appending a single character suffix to the end of the image id, and before the file extension. The thumbnails are:

|Thumbnail Suffix|Thumbnail Name |Thumbnail Size|Keeps Image Proportions| |----------------|----------------|--------------|-----------------------| |s |Small Square |90x90 |No | |b |Big Square |160x160 |No | |t |Small Thumbnail |160x160 |Yes | |m |Medium Thumbnail|320x320 |Yes | |l |Large Thumbnail |640x640 |Yes | |h |Huge Thumbnail |1024x1024 |Yes |

For example, the image located at has the Medium Thumbnail located at


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