12 Startups in 12 Months

更新日期: 2019-02-27 阅读次数: 6052 字数: 978 分类: 赚钱

今天比较懈怠,确切地说是最近一直比较懈怠,但是在查询 laravel 与 golang 在项目中混合使用问题时,通过一个荷兰哥们的博客看到了一篇非常棒的文章,顿时虎躯一震,精神抖擞。

文章的标题是 12 Startups in 12 Months,原文地址 https://levels.io/startups/


作者本人应该小有名气,但是我从来没有听过。。。起初在大学时期通过 Youtube 广告,月入 2000 美金,所以毕业之后就没有找工作,而是四处游玩。但是 Youtube 广告费逐渐下滑到 200 刀,导致经济拮据,只能回父母家同住,期间异常焦虑。后来就有了标题所说的十二个月十二个创业项目。这些项目五花八门,感觉不靠谱的居多,但是很佩服作者的执行力。最终还真成功了几个,其中一个是推荐适合你旅游的城市的服务,本身也是作者的爱好和需求所在,另一个是远程工作招聘平台。

作者的生活方式大大刺激了我,他不喜欢寒冷的荷兰,所以在世界各处游荡,哪里 21 度就去哪里。。。当然还有很多其他的城市因素。我觉得这种生活方法真是酷爆了。。。


While building all these projects, there was one framework and pattern that kept happening, which was like, you have an idea, or I would have a problem and make it into an idea. I would build it, I would launch it, I would grow it, and then I would monetize it to make money from it, and then, if I got really annoyed with working on it, I would automate it with robots, so today, I wanna tell you about all these processes.

Idea 很多时候来自你要解决的问题。

The bad ones are pretty much bad because they're not focused on a problem.

坏的 Idea 的根源是它没有聚焦于解决现有问题。

I try to look at my own life, and what am I really annoyed with? So I was always trying to find problems and then to solve, and I think that's the way to do.


Every time I have an idea, I write it in a concepts list. This is all bullshit ideas, but whatever. And I'd see which ones are promising and which keep coming back to me, and then I might start building them.


Idea * Execution = Business. Nobody's gonna steal your idea. It's all about execution. Everybody has the same ideas anyway. The execution makes it original and unique, so, actually, sharing your idea is good 'cause you can talk to people, you can talk to maybe potential customers already before you actually build something, so be happy with sharing your idea.

分享想法,不用担心别人会偷走他,因为想法不值钱,行动起来把 Idea 实现,才值钱。

That's very practical knowledge, and that's super, super important in entrepreneurship, just practically knowing how to do things, and not calling somebody, like, "Hey, how do I do this?" or not finding a book or something about it. Just do it yourself. Why not? All the information is now on the internet.


如果要发布到 reddit 上推广,一定不要让人们觉得这是一篇 spam。另外,reddit 流量非常大,很容易将你的网站搞垮,所以,最好将首页静态化,以保证不会挂掉。压测一下。

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我是来自山东烟台的一名开发者,有感兴趣的话题,或者软件开发需求,欢迎加微信 zhongwei 聊聊, 查看更多联系方式